Social Filters…..something everyone should use!

“I can’t believe you just said that!” We have all experienced a moment when our child blurts out a thought  that should have stayed in their heads.

Join Ellen Spear, MA, CCC-SLP, of Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC, as she helps children use their “social filter” and understand how words and actions have an effect on others. Using role play, video, and smalll group activities,  this hour long program will focus on deciphering the hidden rules of  inside thoughts vs expressing a thought out loud.. We will  determine whether we need to use our “thinking bubble”  or “talking bubble” across a variety of different social situations and learn about the where, when, and who of venting.

Where: Lakewood Public Library
When: Saturday, February 3, Sessions begin at 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm

Online registration at

Coupons….not for just saving money!

Junk mail,  inserts in the Sunday papers….those shiny glossy teeny tiny piece of paper worth $.25, $.50, $1!!!!!  If you are savvy shopper your coupons are organized and ready to go with every shopping trip.  If you are not the organized savvy shopper, your coupons are a crumpled at the bottom of your purse or better yet in a pile on the kitchen counter, never to see the inside of a store.

Coupons are not just for saving a few pennies!  Coupons open the door for communication!  There are a number of easy – and fast – ways to not only create a mode of communication for your child, but to help she/he practice specific sounds, increase story telling, turn taking, and the list goes on!

Coupon Communication Board:  use coupons or the adds surrounding the coupons to make a simple communication board for your child.  Cut the object on coupon object out and tape or glue it in a grid form on a piece of paper.  The next time you are playing 20 questions trying to figure out what your child would like for a snack, a drink, breakfast, lunch or dinner simply pull out your “Coupon Communication Board” and have she/he point to the choice.

Coupons expand communication: not only can coupons create a wonder communication board, but those glossy adds make for wonderful ‘stories’ to talk about.  What do you see?  What is that?  Who is that? What are they doing?  Should a doggie be allowed to play with toilet paper?  Does candy really talk?  Touch something blue. Do you see anything that flies?  The number of questions to elicit and expand communication is endless!

No need to go crazy trying to find that ‘just right picture’, they’re right under your nose. Coupons are for communication!


Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC.

Board Games ….not BORED games

Go Fish! Sorry! Your Turn! These short phrases, for many, bring back memories of sitting around a table with friends and family playing….together….face to face. In a world filled with technology, the ART of playing a board games is becoming more of a skill that needs to be taught vs. a natural occurrence in the life of a child.

Board games are filled with language opportunities: turn taking, waiting, giving positive reinforcement, sequencing, following directions, etc. It is not uncommon for a child to say “We played games.” when asked what they did in speech therapy. Games provide the opportunity to slow language down, practice specific phrase or sounds or vocabulary, and repeat a sequence or direction until over and over again. A child’s eye widen when the ‘game cupboard’ is opened and they are told to pick a game to play in therapy. Time and time again, a Speech Therapist hears, “This game is great! Can we play this again next week?”

While a Speech Therapist weaves specific therapy goals into every minute of the game, parents and caregivers have the same opportunity to practice the important skills of turn taking, cooperation, encouraging another person, being a graceful winner/loser or just feeling like a part of something while playing a board game. Children may argue board games are really BORED games, but deep down, and usually within a few minutes of playing, they quickly realize there is nothing BORING about a BOARD game!

Share your favorite childhood game with your child. Have your child share their new game with his/her Speech Therapist. Enjoy a few hours away from the blue hue of a screen, enjoy the sight of a smiling child discovering a new skill….playing a BOARD game and not for one minute being BORED!

Yours in Speech,
Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC

Resolutions for the New Year!

“What’s your resolution this year?” The most frequently asked question from January 1st – 10th of any year.  After about 10 days of asking we are all pretty certain that either a. all resolutions have been broken or b. there were none to begin with.  For 2018 we might consider to resolve ourselves versus struggle to meet unrealistic resolutions.  Resolve ourselves to find the good in all actions and words. Resolve ourselves to be present…present to our children, our partner, our friends, our corner of the world.  Resolve ourselves to laugh more, to smile more, to find the joy, to communicate!

So how does this remotely relate to speech-language therapy?  Good question! Communication is not just made up of one mode of expression – talking. Rather communication is any way we get our message understood – talking, facial gestures, hand gestures, sign-language, AAC devices, etc. ; being understood is what communication is all about.  Speech-language therapy is a means by which we learn how to communicate in a mode that is most effective and efficient.  Speech-language therapy does not happen in a bubble and a Speech-Language Therapist (SLP) cannot make effective change in communication  without the support and team-work of a child’s entire TEAM .  Speech-language therapy is most effective when the entire TEAM is on the same page working towards the same end.   The resolve of the entire TEAM has to be finding, practicing and expecting  a child to communicate in the most effective and efficient mode.  As the main members of the TEAM, parents/caregivers need to communicate with the SLP.  Your SLP wants to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly….what worked, what didn’t work.  Your SLP should be able to clearly explain how to best manage and create an environment for successful communication in a manner that works for the ENTIRE TEAM.  The time spent communicating with your SLP is equally as important as the time she/he spends working with your child.  By resolving ourselves to communicate more effectively, our children not only learn by our example but those around us will as well.


Hats off to the start of amazing things in 2018!


Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC