Summer?  Here in NorthEast Ohio, snow is still flying …. the idea of Summer doesn’t seem like it will every be a reality!  Alas, we all know those Spring showers will bring those May flowers and Summer is but a few days away!  And so the age old question – to schedule the summer away or not? Everyone has on opinion on this topic.  Sign the kids up for camp after camp after camp so they don’t miss a thing.  Don’t sign the kids up for anything and let the lazy days of Summer lead the adventure. And with every opinion, there is child, parent, family that stands in the shadows waiting for the final answer.

So what is the right answer? That is an answer only YOU as your child’s caregiver can answer.  What is needed in the Summer months for one child may not be needed for another.  As a caregiver, you need to sit yourself down and really think about a few questions.  Answer them honestly and then act upon them and don’t look back.

Question #1: What does my son/daughter/child NEED during the Summer months?  Do they NEED the structure of a camp? Do they NEED a flexibility schedule? Do they NEED intensive therapeutic intervention or time with peers? Do they NEED a summer off?  What your child NEEDS vs what you WANT can really make a huge difference in the effectiveness of the Summer programming.

Question #2: How much TIME do you and your family have to devote to the Summer program? Look at that calendar – Summer FLIES by waaay to fast.  When do you plan on going on vacation?  When are you going to visit Grandma and Grandpa?  When is Grandma and Grandpa coming to visit?  Signing up for any program or intervention and then canceling is non-productive for you as well as the therapist/program on the other end.  Sign-up for days/times that you are pretty sure you will be FREE.  Does this mean no Monday or Friday programming for you? Does this mean nothing before 11am?  The flexibility of your child’s schedule is paramount in planning for Summer programming.

Question #3: What’s the budget?  We all know price is a big factor in any and all Summer programming.  How much is the ultimate limit? Would your money be better spent on one Summer program or spread out among a few?  What funding opportunities exist for your child?  Is a Summer program ‘gift worthy’ – meaning is it worth the time to suggest a family member(s) give the Summer program to your child as an early birthday or holiday gift? Staying in your budget is just as important during the Summer as it is any time of the year.

Summer programming is up to you and your child.  You hold the answer that is right for your child and your situation.  We know you’ll make the right decision!


Yours in Speech,

Lakeshore Speech Therapy, LLC.

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