Revealing The Impact Of Communication Boards In Lowell, MA

communication board

July marks Parks and Recreation Month, a time to  celebrate the vibrant public spaces. We turn our focus on  Lowell, Massachusetts, where an innovative approach to inclusivity has made a significant positive impact on the community.

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How To Create Genuine Connections:Powerful Impact of Communication Boards

young man with cochlear implant pointing to a message on a playground communication board.

Playground communication boards have emerged as a powerful solution to bridge the gap and facilitate meaningful relationships, especially for individuals with communication challenges.

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How To Practice Speech Therapy Skills : 10 Easy Springtime Activities

spring flowers blooming in the yard

Spring is the perfect time to engage in fun and interactive activities that promote speech and language development with your child.

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Speech Therapy: How To Get Caregivers And Grandparents Involved

Grandparents working with child on an activity

Speech therapy is not just about what happens in the therapy room—it’s also about practicing skills at home. Involving caregivers and grandparents in home carryover can greatly increase a child’s progress.

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Following Your Schedule: How to get Back on Track

note book with daily routine

Holidays can be a time when the normal routine is disrupted. It’s time to get back on track and follow your daily routine.

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Talking and Growing: New Year’s Resolutions for Speech Therapy!

child giving high five to adult

A brand new year is days away, and that means we get a chance to make some new resolutions! This year, let’s think about making  some special resolutions for speech therapy.

**Practice Every Day:**

One resolution could be  to practice your speech exercises every day. Turn practice into playing a game.  The more you practice, the better you will become!

**Use My Special Words:**

Use the special words your speech therapist teaches you as much as possible. These words help you talk smoothly, and they make you  feel super proud!

**Speak Slowly and Clearly:**

Work on speaking slowly and clearly. This way, everyone can understand you when you talk. 

**Tell More Stories:**

Make a resolution to tell more stories or help your child tell more stories. Share your adventures, dreams, and funny moments. It’s a fun way to practice talking.

**Ask Questions:**

 Ask more questions and join in conversations. Questions help you learn new things, and it’s a cool way to make friends!

**Read Out Loud:**

Reading out loud is like a speech party! Pick your favorite books and read them to friends, family, or even to a pet. It’s great practice!

**Be Patient and Positive:**

Sometimes, it might feel tricky, but you might want to promise to be patient. Stay positive and celebrate even the small wins. Every step is a step forward!

**Thank Your Speech Helpers:**

We help each other, and this year, thank your speech buddies. We’re in this together!

**Try New Sounds:**

Be adventurous and try new speech sounds. It’s like a fun challenge to make your speech even more awesome!

**Celebrate Progress:**

At the end of each month, celebrate the progress you’ve made. Maybe treat yourself to something special. Yay for progress!

So there you go, friends! These speech therapy resolutions are yours for the taking. Let’s make it an amazing year of talking, growing, and reaching new speech goals together. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead! 

boy reading book to dog
children working with teachers at a table
child giving high five to adult

Days Before Christmas

‘Twas days before Christmas

And all thru the place,

Anticipation was brewing

Behaviors a disgrace.


Young and old are excited

Let’s celebrate – oh Joy!

Use your expected social skills

For every girl and boy.


With gifts a plenty

Don’t forget the magic word,

For friends and family,

“Thank you” must be heard.


All the smells and sounds

For many is bliss,

Yet other lament

“I can do without this!”


Have a plan in place 

Creating comfort abound,

Makes for a season

Of happiness all ‘round.


Happy Holidays to all

The message to you each,

Tidings of joy to everyone

From Lakeshore Speech!

santa hat icon
thumbs up icon
too loud icon
happy icon
Happy Holidays icon

How to Prepare for Gift Giving and Receiving

Getting and giving gifts can be exciting but hard for some individuals. Preparing for this time of the year helps to make everyone’s celebration special.

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